Breaking into the backend.
Question 1: What are some similarities and differences you can see with JS and Python?
One major difference is the syntax, for example JavaScript uses || and && for "and" and "or", where Python simply uses "and" and "or". Python also does not use semicolons to end off lines. One similarity is that they both can use for loops if statements just with varied syntax.
Question 2: If you had started with Python instead of JS, how do you think the Bootcamp would be different? Would you have benefited?
I feel like the bootcamp would be significantly harder in the beginning and if I was bale to get thorugh the first half I think I may have benefitted from it. If the python lessons were moved to the beginning of the bootcamp, it would make the stress a lot worse in my opinion. It is already hard to grasp some of the concepts without any prior knowledge of it, and just going straight into Python after HTML wouldn't make much sense either because they don't overlap as much as JavaScript and HTML. After Python though, learning some of those harder concepts may have helped make JavaScript much more of a breeze and the humps would be more of learning syntax than anything but I feel like even though it would make it easier a lot of people wouldn't be able to deal with Python right of the bat like that because it's a lot to deal with starting.
Question 3: Think of a project or tech based tool that you use often and think about what the database structure might look like for it. Do you feel like you have a better understanding of how it works now and could you see yourself enjoying building something like that in the future?
I feel like I do have a better understanding of how they work, like a clothing site storing all of their users logins, card info, and purchases. If it was for the right project or I had more time working with it I could possibly see myself enjoying building something like that in the future.