A closer look into CLI.
Question 1: What have you learned about CLIs? Do you think they are scary?
What I have learned about CLIs is how useful they can be. They make it fairly easy to install things into your project and have them run, as well as help with adding in files and folders. I think they are still a bit scary though because I am not really sure of everything that they can do and some of the questions it asks about installing things when importing other things like Next make me unsure of what to click sometimes.
Question 2: If you were to build a CLI, what would you do?
IF i wer to make a CLI, I would make one where you can use it the same as now but also have a feature where you are able to add files that already have boiler plate code inside of them as well as make presets of files with your own boiler code that can be saved locally.
Question 3: List some ideas that without a framework, that would take you a long time to code.
Something that would take a long time to code without a framework would be a menu. If you were not allowed to use a framework then it would take hours upon hours to code. You would have to make multiple HTML files, or a lot of HTML on one page, then make a very large JavaScript script file that contains everything inside of that, and styles for each page as well. Where as with React you can just make components and have it swap what is displayed all within 2-3 files.