Struggling with pesudocode.
Question 1: What was the number one thing that held you back this week?
The number on thing that I think held me back this week was that I was struggling with my pesudocode. I was shown how my pesudocode was not where it should be and how that could hold me back in the long run. If I put more into the pesudocode and made it able to 'run around the track once' then I feel like it would have been a lot easier on me this week to get everything done. Since my pesudocode wasn't where it needed to be I struggled coding the project because I would get lost in my own thoughts then not know what I would need to do next.
Question 2: What is one thing you would like to learn more about regarding JavaScript, Bootstrap, or Atomic Design?
One thing I would like to learn more about regarding JavaScript is how to manipulate data structures. I would like to be able to figure out more about arrays, Key:Value pairs, and other data structures I might not know about yet. For example how to pull, manipulate, and change them because it seems like if I can learn those things then I would be able to do a lot more than I thought I could with JavaScript.
Question 3: What is your "Why"?
My "Why" for doing this bootcamp was at first because I really did not like the structure of college, I felt like I was paying for things that I did not need to be learning anymore because I had previously gone over than and I really dispised learning about other things than what I was interested in going to as a career. As time has gone on my "Why" became more that I wanted this for myself so that I could have a successful future and also because my mom did not think I would be able to get this completed and that I would end up failing the classes because of how fast they went.